samedi 7 mai 2011

Evaluation Activity 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

(0.0-0.10) These 10 first seconds are the Paramount Production presentation. I had to shorten it so that my opening scene wouldn't be too long. I decided to put this exctract in my movie because I thought that this company was suitable  for the movie I wanted to do and also to make the movie looks more professional.
(0.11-1.11) This big part of my opening scene shows the arrival of the protagonist in the college. The first shot shows him leaning on the window to insist on his feelings about what he is going to undertake. The second shot that shows the panel helps the spectator to understand where Pablo is going. The third and fourth one confirm the idea that he is going to a college and shows it at the same time. It also shows that he doesn't look really close to his father because he leaves his father for an undetermined period without really saying goodbye. The long shot based on him walking to the door insists on the fact that he is very determined to go into this college. The last part of this shot shows the cross of the monument to insist on the fact that the college is catholic and gives the title of the movie : The Outsider.
(1.12-2.26) This next part shows the settling of the boy in his room : First, he come in the room with all his stuff and put it all down. Then, he starts unpacking every stuff he has, starting with the laptop, then food, clothes, books ... We can see that he is really well prepared for this year with all the stuff he has. The dynamism given by the quick shots confirms again his will to be where he is. We can also see that he seems smart because of the important number of books he did bring. This part ends the opening scene by the shot where Pablo leaves the room.

What does a production company do ?

The Production company is the company that creates the film itself. For my movie, it is Ravenscence as it is written "A Ravenscence Production". 

What is a distributor and what is he doing ?

The distributor is the enterprise that is in charge of releasing the movie at the cinema or in DVD for example. They can also help financiating the film.

Where might the money come from to financiate the movie ?

To financiate the movie, the producers might use personal funds but also funds from the distributor.

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