jeudi 17 mars 2011

AS Media Opening Scene

This opening scene of a media studies project was shown by one of our teachers. I found it really interesting because, at the begining, I though that this sequence wasn't good at all, almost because it isn't filmed well. Then, when I saw the attack, I realised how important the filming is in this project : The filming add a more thrilling feeling about the situation of the students. The way in which it is filmed (from mobile phone as if we were looking through the eyes of each person) make the project even more realistic.
I think this media work was really challenging the conventions much by the fact that it was done with split screens but also because of the quality of the acting and the way in which every protagonist is filming.
To make it even more realistic, they chose to let the "dead" students films which creates a morbid atmosphere (the screens don't move anymore when shot down).

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