samedi 30 avril 2011

Shots for the first part of my Opening Scene

The first part of my opening scene will be composed by very few long shots based on the protagonist coming into the college.
Here are some examples of the shots I did.

I might also shorten them, like the ones from the second part.

How the shoot went (Third attempt)

For the first part of my opening scene, I needed a car. To help me, Mr Breese accepted to drive his car whilst I would be filming.
I planned this third attempt a long time ago so I could easily film it and being sur of no having to re-do and also to get the filming done quickly.

For this scene, I also needed a good weather to get a good lighting.
This shoot went pretty well and was done in 30 minutes. Because Mr Breese is also my media studies teacher, he also gave me some advises to help the filming and to get better shots.

I was really happy of this attempt because it was done in a short amount of time and it was much better than what I was especting.

Health and Safety during the filming

Before I start filming, I had to consider the health risks that the actors or me could encounter while acting/filming.

The first part of the openning scene is the car scene and I filmed it from inside and outside the car. A scene that includes a car can be very risky : The driver may have an accident, his attention might be reduced because of the filming and he might be less focused on the driving itself. While filming inside, I had to make sur that the driver was not distracted by the filming to avoid any problems about driving.
While filming from the outside, I had to be careful to not put myself through the car.

There is no real risk in filming inside a building so the part of the film inside the college did not represent any danger for the actor and for the cameraman.

I also had to be careful about the equipment because :
-it is the school's equipment
-it is very expensive
For example, I had to the camcorder off the tripod when I was moving to take another shot.

Hopefully, no one was harmed and the equipment itself wasn't damaged either while filming.

jeudi 21 avril 2011

Art Of The Title ("Lord Of War" credits)

Lord Of War (2005)

0.17 Nicolas Cage (main actor)

0.28 Lord OF War (title of the movie)
0.34 Jared Leto (actor)
0.40 Bridget Moynahan (actrice)
0.43 Ian Holm (actor)
0.50 Eamonn Walker (actor)
0.55 Sammi Rotibi (actor)
        Eugene Lazarev (actor)
0.58 Jean Pierre Nshanian (actor)
        Shake Toukhmanian (actor)
1.04 and Ethan Hawke (actor)
1.12 Casting by Mindy Marin. C.S.A
1.15 Music by Antonio Pinto
1.23 Costume Designer Elisabetta Beraldo
1.30 Edited by Zach Staenberg. A.C.E
1.33 Production Designer Jean Vincent Puzos
1.48 Director of Photography Amir Mokri
1.52 Executive Line Producer Ronaldo Vasconcellos
1.59 Douglas E. Hansen Co-Producer
2.05 Executive Producers Fabrice Gianfermi
                                        Bradley Cramp
                                        Gary Hamilton
2.15 Executive Producers Christopher Eberts
                                        Andreas Schmid
                                         Michael Mendelsohn
                                         James D. Stern
2.24 Producers Nicolas Cage
                         Norm Golightly
2.31 Producers Andy Grosch
                         Chris Roberts
2.35 Produced by Philippe Rousselet
                             Andrew Niccol
2.50 Written and Directed by Andrew Niccol

dimanche 17 avril 2011

Shots that I rejected

While filming, you have to try many times the same scene to be sure you made it right. One bad movement, someone shouting in the background or a mistake from the actor or the cameraman and the whole shot has to be done again. This is not really important when you have to do shots that last 5 seconds but when you film a shot of 45 seconds and someone creates a problem, it is becoming a real problem.
Here are some examples of shots I didn't chose for many reasons : actor laughing, bad filming, mistakes of muntage ...

vendredi 15 avril 2011

How the shoot went (Second attempt)

For my second attempt at filming, I planned every shoot I had to do or re-do, recharged the camcorder's battery and made sur that the actor was wearing the exact same clothes (or I would have to film again).

During this attempt, I filmed the missing scenes that were suppose to be filmed inside and I re-did the bad ones. It was not really hard and I found the filming much easier when the planing was done before.

The only problem I had, at this time, was that I still did not have an access to a car and the first part of my opening scene was supposed to be filmed from inside and outside the car. Whilst waiting to get the car, I could just plan to help the upcoming filming.

mercredi 6 avril 2011

Portfolio for my Film

Film Title: The Outsider

Genre: Drama

Location/s: College

Characters: Boy, Father.

Brief Narrative: A young boy is moving in a new college and tries to cope with his whole new life.

Target Audience: 18+

Studio: Thunder Entertainment

Distribution: Paramount.

samedi 2 avril 2011

Shots for the second part of my Opening Scene

For my opening scene, I decided to do a part with very quick short shots. Here are some examples of the shots I did :

I am not sure about using these shots or not. I might have to re-do some to help the good quality of my project and shorten them to get only the important part of each shot.

vendredi 1 avril 2011

Corel VideoStudio Lesson

We were given a task during a lesson about how to use Corel Video Studio 12. The task was to use the 5 pictures given in Corel Video Studio 12 and, by adding texts and effects, to create a story.

I found this task really hard at the beginning because I thought that a story based on 5 pictures would be too simple or also bad. I tried to find a link between the pictures and I finally designed a little story which tells the problems of a woman on Internet. And, because I had already used Imovie before, I didn't have real problems to edit.
With this task, I learned to use the effects of Corel VideoStudio 12 (even if I didn't use them in the movie) and also to be imaginative to get a story from almost nothing.
Another importqnt thing I learned by doing this task is how to use font and matching it with the movie : For this short story, I used one of the most common font ; Times New Roman.

I used this font because it is the font we are most likely to see on the internet so it will link directly to the story itself.